2025. 3. 5.(WED) - 3. 7.(FRI) | EXCO East Wing

PID 2025

Past show review

Sorted by Region

Total Domestic Overseas
Domestic_Local Domestic_expt.Local
of exhibitors of booths of exhibitors of booths of exhibitors of booths of exhibitors of booths
3rd 196 470 92 214 64 208 40 48

Sorted by category

Total Textile Finishing Accessories Home Textiles Yarn Embroidery Lace Etc.
exhibitors(%) 196(100) 106(54.1) 15(7.6) 13(6.6) 13(6.6) 10(5.3) 3(1.5) 36(18.3)

Overseas Exhibitors

exhibitors(booths) China Vietnam Pakistan India Italy France Nepal, Peru, Taiwan, Bangladesh
40(48) 19(21) 6(9) 3(3) 2(2) 1(1) 1(1) 8(11)

Consecutive participation

Regional Note
Tatal Local Expt. Local Overseas
1st/2nd 83 58 24 1 2nd : 212 company
2nd/3rd 77 47 27 3 3rd : 196 company
1st/2nd/3rd 59 39 20 -

Overseas Buyer Specification(sorted by region)

Category China Japan Asia,Oceania The Middle East, Africa North America Central and South America Europe Total
Hongkong India Except CIS Except
3rd 426 142 56 64 219 99 87 31 114 74 1,312